Monday, October 13, 2008


Mission Accomplished!! I faired much better than I had expected. There were challenges in many and I would have to go back and relearn many of the steps if asked to do so again. BUT, just knowing the terms, how wikis work, how social networks operate and what is available to all of us is enormous and helpful. I don't think I will be quite as intimidated or anxious about trying new things from this point on. I'm also somewhat relieved that I don't have to monitor kids on computers. In total innocence, when Laura and I put in Library for a subject matter in selecting a podcast, one of our first choices was Lusty Librarian! "She" wasn't reviewing any top ten book selections...


lighthouse lover said...

Yea Carolyn! Good job!

Marlene Anderson said...

Congratulations on your achievement, Carolyn! The exercises could be challenging at times. I'm glad to hear that you feel more confident about trying new things from now on. I hope you will keep adding new things to your blog.

Re: lusty librarian. I may have to check that out for myself! :-)